
St. Andrew UMC Preschool has previously earned accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Our school has completed a voluntary, comprehensive process of internal self-study and improvement. We meet all 10 of the program's standards identified by NAEYC! These standards are verified through regular site visits and annual reports. We currently follow all of their policies and procedures while investing the money back into the preschool.
By following the NAEYC policies and procedures you will see . . . .

Appropriate and effective
teaching approaches
that enhance each child's
learning and development.

A healthy and safe environment
that supports the healthy development of children.

Collaborative relationships with families based on mutual trust and respect.

A curriculum that fosters
all areas of child development - cognitive, emotional, language, physical, and social.
Teaching staff
with educational qualifications, knowledge, and professional committment necessary to promote children's learning and development
Appropriate and well-maintained
indoor and outdoor
physical environments,
including facilities and equipment to facilitate learning and development.

In addition to earning national accreditation through NAEYC,
St. Andrew UMC Preschool has been certified as a "Program of Excellence" through the
N GA UMC Conference Directors' Association.

Warm, sensitive relationships to help children feel secure.
A variety of assessments
that help teachers plan appropriate curriculum and experiences for each child's strengths and needs.
Connections with the community and its resources.
Stable and strong
program management
that help all children, families, and staff have high-quality experiences.